Kindful Books - Above the Clouds

Created by Rhi and Pete - "Above the Clouds" OFFICIAL Backer Survey

Kindful Books is a publishing company based in New Hampshire, USA - Launching it's first book, "Above the Clouds," a children's rhyming book about mindfulness and resilience with a simple reminder that the sun is always shining above the clouds.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Official Project Update - Rewards Coming In, Song Underway, Printer Files Being Prepared!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 02, 2022 at 02:22:07 PM

Official Project Update!!

Wow!  Time is FLYING by : )  After running our Kickstarter campaign, we were filled with gratitude and got right to work!  While the campaign was certainly tons of fun, it was also a really intense process, and while we waited for the funds to be available, we took some much-needed family time to rest, relax, and recharge!

Now, summertime is in full swing and we have some exciting updates to share!

Here is what we've been up to...

  1. We officially signed a contract with our awesome printer AND decided to upgrade the quality of our books with a little something extra special!  (Once we get our test copy we'll show you what we mean!)
  2. We ordered and started to receive some of the Kickstarter rewards and are SO excited to share them with you!
  3. We met with our friends at TidalWav Studios to start the process of recording the "Above the Clouds" companion song!!
  4. We have been tirelessly working with our illustrator to finalize the print files of the book to send it off to the printer.  This has been a MUCH longer process than we hoped, but we are SUPER close to submitting the FINAL DRAFT (hopefully this week!)

What does this mean for all of you?!  We're glad you asked!  We know you are excited to get your copies of the book - and so are we!

  • The printer said it takes about 2 weeks after we submit the final files to receive our OFFICIAL TEST COPY of the book.
  • Once we receive it, hopefully, everything looks PERFECTO and we are able to give the "Go Ahead" to print the whole order.
  • From this day, till we receive the books takes about 3 months (this is mostly due to the time it takes to ship overseas these days.)

We are still REALLY hoping that everyone has our books in hand for Christmas, as we know a lot of you are planning to give these as gifts.  We will keep you posted as the project continues to move along.  Hopefully, in a few weeks, we can share some photos of the first copy of the book!!

For now, we SUPER appreciate your support, your excitement, and your patience as we work through the realities of self-publishing a children's book.  It's an exciting and all-encompassing journey and we are so thankful that we have all of you to thank for making it happen!

You are all amazing!!

-Rhi & Pete

THANK YOU!! You Did It - Fully Funded, Stretch Goal Exceeded - You are Amazing!!
over 2 years ago – Fri, May 13, 2022 at 05:49:51 AM

We cannot even begin to thank you all for joining us on this incredible journey these past 30 days!  Running this Kickstarter campaign has been one of the most rewarding projects we've ever developed because we got to work on it with the support and love of this incredible community!  THANK YOU SO MUCH!

When we started this campaign we had high hopes and natural jitters about putting ourselves out there and sharing this story and dream with the world, but we never could have imagined how heartwarming this process would be.  We are so passionate about this book and its message, and we feel so blessed to have been able to bring it to life in a way that involved all of you.  Creating the campaign rewards that we could share with this community has been such a fun process, and we can't wait to dive into the next steps of this process to get everything into your hands!

So what comes next? Great question!  Now that the campaign is complete, we will be organizing things in the back-end and sending out our BACKER SURVEY soon.  This Backer Survey is how you inform us of your contact information, where to send the rewards you selected, the best way to keep in touch with you about the project, etc.  Your response to this survey is SUPER IMPORTANT because without it we won't know where to send your goodies - so keep an eye out for it in your inbox.

We'll then be organizing our design files for the printing company and finalizing the details over the next few weeks, as well as putting in our orders for the other special rewards.  As the project moves forward we will be sure to keep you all posted so you know what's happening and when to expect your physical and digital deliveries.

For now, let's all celebrate!!  We did it - together!  "Above the Clouds" will be in all our hands before we know it and it's all thanks to you!

Thank you for everything!


Now that we hit our goal, what's next? STRETCH GOAL!
over 2 years ago – Sun, May 01, 2022 at 09:05:48 AM

Hey Super Backers!

We are SO thankful to all of you for pre-ordering the book and helping us hit our goal - this means that your rewards are officially in-the-works and "Above the Clouds" will be printed and shared with children everywhere!

Now that we hit our goal, we've been asked what happens next - this is where STRETCH GOALS come in!  Since there is still time to pre-order the book and access the special backer rewards we've included in our campaign, we wanted to announce SOMETHING SPECIAL we'll do with the extra funds we receive through our campaign if we reach our first stretch goal - $7,750.

We are so thankful for all of your support and hope you are all just as excited as we are to be able to DONATE 20 Books to Make a Wish NH, AND share the ORIGINAL SONG we wrote to pair with the "Above the Clouds" book!  If we hit this stretch goal, we'll be able to have the song professionally recorded and will be able to give back to our community - plus, EVERY backer will get a copy of the song! It's a Win-Win-Win!

So between now and May 12th (our last day of the campaign), we can all work together to continue to spread the word about the campaign and see if we can hit this first stretch goal!  No matter what happens over the next few weeks, rest assured that your rewards are coming your way and we are SO full of GRATITUDE for all your help to make that happen.

You are amazing!


YOU DID IT!!! 100% Funded with 17 Days To Go!!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 12:39:01 PM

IT's OFFICIAL!!!  YOU DID IT!  100% Funded - This project is officially happening - and it's all thanks to YOU!

When we started this project we never dreamed that we would have the overwhelming love and support from our community to help make this happen - we couldn't be more grateful!  This Kickstarter experience has been dream come true in more ways than one - and bringing you all along for this creative journey has been incredible! 

Today, we appreciate and celebrate this incredible accomplishment, made possible with your help.  Every pre-order, every pledge, every share, every kind word has been instrumental in helping us achieve this dream - "Above the Clouds" will be printed and delivered to bookshelves everywhere. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

You have been a part of something amazing - and this beautiful, important message of positivity and mindfulness will help us all make an impact on the world <3

Full of love and gratitude,


We are SO Close!! THANK YOU!!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 12:17:13 AM

Happy, Happy Earth Day!! 

We are feeling so blessed and humbled by all the incredible support we have received from our friends, family, and the community!  Thanks to YOU we are SOOOOOO close to achieving our campaign goal and still have 19 days left in the campaign!

With less than 20 days to go, we'll be reaching out to more people and spreading the word about this campaign even more.   We are so overwhelmed with gratitude that you pre-ordered our book and backed our project - feeling forever grateful to you.  And honestly, we just CAN'T WAIT to get this book in your hands!!  

If you take a minute and think about anyone you know who might like this book for their child, grandchild, niece/nephew, or students - feel free to send them this link and tell them you were thinking of them <3 We want to share this story and message with as many kiddos as possible to help an entire generation of little ones remember this important and positive life lesson : ) 

Lastly, stay tuned for some exciting announcements as the campaign continues!  If we reach our goal early, we have some exciting push goals coming your way <3

Happy Friday!

Rhi + Pete