Kindful Books - Above the Clouds

Created by Rhi and Pete - "Above the Clouds" OFFICIAL Backer Survey

Kindful Books is a publishing company based in New Hampshire, USA - Launching it's first book, "Above the Clouds," a children's rhyming book about mindfulness and resilience with a simple reminder that the sun is always shining above the clouds.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Sent - Shipping Questions Answered!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 03:32:09 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Happy New Year - Sorry for the Delay!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Jan 08, 2023 at 03:01:11 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The Books Are Here!! BackerKit Survey Coming Soon!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 02:40:18 PM


Our AMAZING mailman showed up with 8 boxes of beautiful books, ready to be prepped, packed, and shipped to all of you!!

All the rewards are ready to go and we've been prepping the BackerKit survey for you, which is being reviewed by the BackerKit team and then will be sent out to you (hopefully tomorrow)!  

Some key things to note:

  • You'll be able to review what you ordered during the campaign in the BackerKit Survey process
  • The faster you fill out the survey, the quicker we can prep the orders and ship them out
  • If you are local to NH, we are offering an option to pick up the books locally if you want to get your order even faster
  • If you are interested in adding some additional books/goodies to your original Pre-Order Pledge from Kickstarter, you can do that in the survey. (This is optional, of course!  Many of you asked to get another copy so we wanted to make that easy for everyone so we can pack and ship all at once.)
  • Due to holiday schedules and shipping delays, we plan on shipping out these orders in January 2023 (unless you opt for local pick-up).
  • If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!

Thank you all for your continued patience and support!  And wishing you all the happiest holiday season!


Big Updates - Major Progress - Happy Holidays!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 05:18:46 PM


We hope you are having an amazing holiday season - can you believe it is already December?!! 

After a few crazy months of traveling, colds, covid, and Lacey turning 3, we have been happy to enjoy this joyous season while anxiously awaiting the arrival of our books...and we have some GOOD NEWS to share!!

THE BOOKS ARE HERE - sort of ; )  

 We received word last night that our books have officially arrived at port in New Jersey, and are currently going through customs!!  The timeline is still a little uncertain as we move forward, but the fact that they are state-side is VERY encouraging.

In addition to the books, our STICKERS have arrived and look AMAZINGLY ADORABLE!  We also have our puzzles and lunchbox orders in AND we have even been working on a special, surprise addition to the project that we'll be sharing soon.

All that being said, there are a lot of factors that are out of our control during the next few weeks, and we all know that shipping delays have been an issue for many lately.  We're told that this week the books should be released from customs and shipped to the warehouse. Then the warehouse needs to ship the books to us so that we can ship them to you all - so although we don't have a clear ETA, we'll keep you posted and they'll be coming soon!

We'll be sending out your Backer Survey to collect shipping information shortly and in that survey we'll also be offering last-minute order add-ons for additional copies and other Kickstarter rewards so that we can add things to your orders before we deliver if you are interested.

 All that being said, we are feeling so incredibly blessed to have your support and well wishes during this exciting time and we cannot wait to get these beautiful books in your hands - whether the holiday timeline works out or not ; )

Thanks for your patience and you'll be hearing from us VERY SOON!!!!

Rhi & Pete

Update: BOOK PRINTING Has Officially Begun for Above the Clouds - Next Steps!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 08:53:07 PM

Happy Fall Everyone!!

We are SO excited to finally share the news that the FINAL DRAFT of the Above the Clouds book has been APPROVED and our printing is underway!!  Right now, on the other side of the world, hundreds of copies of Above the Clouds are being printed and prepared for bookshelves everywhere!!  How cool is that?!  

Since Our last update, we received the official first test copy of the book and got to hold it in our hands for the first time - what an incredible feeling!!  Every step of this process has made this all feel more and more real - dreams coming true...and it's all thanks to YOU!

The test copy looks and feels amazing-a HUGE WIN and motivator for us-but we noticed a few areas that could use some improvements to make the book the absolute best it can be.  After all this hard work, we didn't want to cut corners because YOU deserve the BEST!  It took a lot longer than we had hoped to finalize those adjustments with the illustrator, BUT now everything is officially completed and approved and we know that all the extra hard work our team put in was TOTALLY WORTH THE WAIT!

So what are the next steps?  Now we wait...

But that's not all we'll be doing ; )  While we wait for the printer to PRINT and then SHIP all the copies of Above the Clouds to the US, we'll be continuing to order and finalize the extra rewards so that once the books arrive we have everything ready to go!

Some of these rewards include:

  • Sticker Sheets
  • Puzzles
  • Lunchboxes
  • Activity Packs
  • Coloring Pages

And of course, the Above the Clouds companion Song!!  This weekend we are meeting with our amazing production team (Natalie and Ricardo Camargo from TidalWAV Studios) to review the work they've put into the production of the song and we'll be finalizing the vocals over the next few weeks.  We are SO EXCITED to share the song with you all!

Soon we will be sending out the OFFICIAL BACKER SURVEY to collect all the shipping information we need to prepare your orders.  Keep an eye out for that - without it, we won't know where to send all your rewards!


When we signed our contract with the printer, we were told that the printing/shipping process has been taking around 2-3 months due to covid, supplies, and other shipping delays across the globe.  The extra time it took to finalize the files for print has pushed our original timeline back significantly, so we are unsure if we are going to be able to get everyone their physical books in time for the holidays this year.  Right now, we are holding on to hope - and are asking you all to cross your fingers with us, and give us some grace - as we wait for the next update from the printer that the books are on their way.

In a perfect world,  we'll be able to send out everyone's rewards and books in time for Christmas, but worst-case scenario everything will ship shortly after.

Unfortunately, this part of the process is out of our hands, but rest assured we are doing everything we can to make sure that we are ready to go when the books arrive!  We are staying positive and know that once the books come in and you get to hold them in your hands, you'll agree that it was all worth the wait.

Lastly, we want to once again, thank you for your continued love and support for this dream project!  It's been a learning process for us all and we are forever grateful for your patience and understanding throughout this incredible journey.  Just like the book says, "Above every cloudy day is a sunny sky so blue, where you'll always have me and I'll always have you"! You guys are the best!

Lots of Love,

Rhi and Pete